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Make Real Money In Less Than 90 Days In Your Own New Business GUARANTEED
11:59 PM EST
From the desk of Caleb Jones,
Dubai, UAE
Dear Friend,
You're stuck in your job. Stuck in a country or region you don’t like. You're perhaps stuck in a business that is location-dependent, forcing you to stay where you are. We understand how you feel. The pain of having to remain in that condition, just to earn a living.
You are confined to a particular work or place which you derive no joy from. Worse still, you don't know if you have options or not. How pathetic!
You’re probably not making the money you’d like to make either.
Unfree AND cash-strapped? Nah - Not good!
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a 100% location-independent business where you could go wherever you want, anywhere in the world, and the money just keeps coming in, regardless? Especially if it's cool cash? I bet you would.
How about this? How about a new business that earns you enough money and with less stress? Just a few hours a week, within 90 days. Interesting, right?
I know what you might be thinking…
“Yeah that’d be great, but I don’t know how to build a business like that!”
No problem. We’ll build it with you. We have all it takes to get you to that level you wish to attain, financially.
We’ll help you along, step by step, so you can have your high-income, low-work, location-independent business. A business you would look back at and be glad you ventured into.
Over 12 weeks, we will work with you, side-by-side and show you exactly what to do and how to do it. At the end of 12 weeks, you’ll be making real money. And we guarantee it.
Over the past 9 years, I’ve shown thousands of men all over the world how to create location-independent businesses using a model we know for a fact works, and it will work for you, even if…
Welcome to the 90 Day Business Builder, where we will work with you every week for 12 weeks to get your business up and running to the point where you are actually making real money. And if, for whatever reason, you aren’t by the end of the 12 week program, we will continue to work with you, forever, until you do. That’s our guarantee.
What You're Going To Get
1. As soon as you sign up for the 90 Day Business Builder Program, you will immediately receive the Alpha 2.0 Business Course which is several hours of how-to video training on exactly how to start your location-independent business from scratch.
2. You will also receive the book; Big Income From Little Work which covers how to create location-independent income, starting from scratch.
3. You also get the video course; How To Get Clients, which will go into great detail on how to get clients and customers for your new business as fast as possible.
4. You’ll then start the program, where you will attend 36 live Zoom sessions every week over 12 weeks. That's three per week! During the live video sessions, we will teach you the steps you need to execute to get your location-independent business built fast so you can start making real money within 12 weeks. During each session, we will cover each step in great detail and show you step-by-step how to do it. We’ll have a full Q&A at the end of each session.
5. All Zoom sessions will be recorded so you can always go back and rewatch all that was taught. You will also have access to all of the courses, videos, and Zoom recordings forever.
6. In addition to the live training sessions and the recordings, you'll also get access to numerous exclusive training videos on specific steps to set up your business. These training videos were designed specifically for this program and aren't available anywhere else.
7. You’ll be given access to our Business Builder System where you will “check off” each item as you do. This will help you to know exactly where you are in the process and what you need to do next. You’ll work with this system regularly during the 12 weeks.
8. Next, you’ll be assigned your accountability coach who you can ask questions any time, 24/7, for the entire 12 weeks. He will also contact you if you ever fall behind on any part of the process, and who will personally help you if you get “stuck” anywhere. We will work with you, hand-in-hand, step-by-step, to get your perfect business started so you can get to the money fast.
8. You’ll be inside and have LIFETIME ACCESS to our corporate Basecamp which is our project management software where you'll get all of your assignments as well as a members-only message board so you can network with the other people in the program and the coaches to ask questions between Zoom sessions. You'll have access to all of your work and notes even after the program is over.
With us working with you the entire time, you’ll have a real business that is making real money in just a few hours per week within 12 weeks!
Here are the screenshot results of our customer satisfaction survey from our last group who participated in the 90 Day Business Builder. Check it out!
100% Guarantee
We know for a FACT that this process WILL build you a location-independent business that generates real income for you within 12 weeks.
We’re so sure of this that if you haven't made at least $1000 in gross income from your business by the end of the 90-day program, we will keep working with you, forever, until you do, for FREE. That’s our guarantee.
Click here to book your FREE consultation call where you can get all of your questions answered, but do it fast since enrollment is limited!
You Can Make Payments If You Want
NO Interest
NO Late Fees
If you can't afford the investment right now to enroll, that's okay! You can start the program immediately and get to your fast income and make monthly payments for the cost of the program for up to 12 months, with NO interest and with NO late fees.
You Can Enroll Now And Start In A Few Months
I am strongly considering raising the price of this program soon since we've added so many sessions and services to this program without raising the price.
If you want to lock in the price and start the program in a few months, you can. You can enroll now, pay the investment, lock in the price, and start in a few months when you're ready!
Schedule Your Free Consultation Call Before The Deadline
Click the link below to schedule your FREE consultation call to get all of your questions answered and to make sure the program is for you.
But you MUST get enrolled by the deadline since once we start the next curriculum, you'll have to wait a while before we start the next one.
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